30 November, 2021

Key government officials from five countries participated in a regional exchange on the implementation of bilateral labour migration programs

Over 35 government officials from Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, the Dominican Republic and Costa Rica, representing the ministries of foreign affairs, labour, health, agriculture and migration institutes, successfully concluded a four-day experience exchange on labour migration programs.

25 November, 2021

IOM promotes crisis communication in emergency contexts that includes migrants

Following the statement that "a message communicated in time can save a person's life", the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has developed the Practical Guide for Communicating in the Context of Migratory Crises. This seeks to strengthen the capacities of States and various actors to ensure the inclusion of migrants in emergency prevention, preparedness and response systems, while safeguarding their dignity and rights. 

23 November, 2021

U.S. Under Secretary of State Strengthens Ties of Cooperation in Panama

The U.S. Under Secretary of State for Civilian Security, Democracy and Human Rights, Uzra Zeya, visited the southern border of Panama to learn about the situation of the migratory flow through Darien, in addition to following up on bilateral security, cooperation  and human rights protection programs.

18 November, 2021

IOM and the Governments of Guatemala and the United States Coordinate Cooperative Actions on Migration by 2022

Among the main results presented were the strengthening of intergovernmental and intersectoral coordination to promote safe labor migration channels, prevention of irregular migration, strengthening of governance policies at the local and central levels, bilateral and cross-border cooperation, protection of trafficking and sexual exploitation victims; and communication of key messages and information to inform migrants about safe migration. 

9 November, 2021

Honduran government staff completed Diploma Course on Migration and Development

In October 2021, 39 officials of the Government of Honduras completed the Diploma on Migration and Development, an eight-week training process designed to strengthen the technical capacities of the human resources of the government institutions that make up the Inter-Institutional Table on Labour Migration. The tools acquired will enable them to improve dialogue, coordination and the generation of work proposals under a comprehensive approach to of labour migration.

9 November, 2021

RCM analyzes the work of employment counselors in the integration of migrants

On October 29, more than 50 people from the member countries of the Regional Conference on Migration (RCM) concluded a training and awareness-raising process for employment counselors. The course sought to provide context on labour migration in the region, inform about the profiles of migrants and improve practices for their inclusion in the labour market.

8 November, 2021

IOM and the Ministry of Public Education of Costa Rica strengthen plan for the regularization of students' migration status


Identifying that students in an irregular migratory situation are at a significant disadvantage within the educational system, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) is collaborating with the Costa Rican Ministry of Public Education to strengthen the Basic Administration System for Education and its Resources (SABER).


8 November, 2021

Mexican states share their best experiences in implementing migration policy


The National Coordination of Migrant Attention Offices (CONOFAM) in association with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), prepared a report on Good Practices in the Implementation of Migration Policy at the Local Level in twelve Mexican states. The purpose of the report was to identify, share and provide guidelines for governments to replicate actions that contribute to good migration governance and benefit both migrants and receiving communities.


8 November, 2021

Belize strengthens data collection on trafficking in persons


The Ministry of Human Development, Families and Indigenous People’s Affairs (MHDFIPA) of Belize launched the new TIP Module on the Ministry’s case management system FAMCare in partnership with The International Organization for Migration (IOM). Between 2019 and 2020, the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Council (ATIPs) in Belize identified 6 victims, and provided medical, psychosocial and legal care for 19 more identified in previous years.


8 November, 2021

New IOM Study Finds Connection Between Emerging Petroleum Sector and Increased Travel to Guyana from the Caribbean


Between 2013- 2018, nationals from the Caribbean were recorded as having the highest increase in migration to Guyana when compared to those from Venezuela, Europe, and the United States of America (USA). This is according to a recent report from the International Organization for Migration (IOM), titled Planning for Prosperity: Labour Migration and Guyana’s Emerging Economy.