The Western Hemisphere Program is implemented by the International Organization for Migration and financed by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration.
The Western Hemisphere Program’s overall goal is to support governments and other key stakeholders in Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean in improving migration governance and capacities to facilitate safe, orderly, and regular migration while reducing migrant vulnerabilities.
Our 4 working areas:

Supporting the development of evidence-based policies, laws, strategies, protocols, and practices to promote regular migration in the region.

advancing regional, bilateral, and national cooperation and dialogue on migration issues.

Crisis Response
supporting institutions and key stakeholders to prepare for and respond to migration flows related emergencies and crises, as well as movements of people due to climate change and protection of those affected.

promoting pathways for regular migration and alternatives to irregular migration through participatory, evidence-based communication initiatives and campaigns, as well as advocating for a balanced narrative on migration.