

“Somos Colmena” emerges as a virtual informational community for migrants in Mesoamerica

Since 2016, the Regional Migration Program: Mesoamerica- The Caribbean has used “Informarte en Movimiento” [Inform Yourself on the Move], a virtual community on Facebook, as a platform for informing and raising awareness among migrants in the region about the risks of irregular migration (such as human trafficking), regular migration pathways, the integration of migrants, and more.  In order to improve its informational work and the versatility of its brand, the Informarte en Movimiento community will become “Somos Colmena” [We Are a Hive].


5 reasons to take courses on E-Campus


More and more people are choosing to take virtual courses, especially in times when COVID-19 is calling us to stay home. Their flexibility, convenience, and variety of interactive tools have won over thousands of people around the world. Meanwhile, migration is one of the most important social challenges today, and therefore education on that topic is extremely useful for personnel in various fields. Here are 5 reasons to be part of E-Campus, the online learning platform of the International Organization for Migration (IOM).


IOM launches E-Campus: Online Learning Platform on Migration


  • PAM, IOM Regional Virtual Learning Platform on Migration will cease to function on February 28, 2019. The new and improved site, E-Campus, is already available. Visit 


E-Campus is now IOM's global online migration learning platform. Developed in Moodle, it unites ideal features for self-learning and allows courses to be updated constantly.   


IOM releases Online Course on Human Trafficking for Consular Staff

  • The course is available in Spanish on IOM learning platform E-Campus. It is free and provides a certificate of achievement upon completion. 

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has developed a new virtual course on human trafficking, based on the Regional Conference on Migration (RCM)’s “Human Trafficking Manual for Consulates and Ministries and Secretariats of Foreign Affairs of Central America and Mexico”.


IOM builds capacities for monitoring migration flows in Mexico and Guatemala 

The displacement tracking matrix (DTM) is a system that IOM uses at the global level to track and monitor displacement and population mobility. This methodology is designed to capture, process, and disseminate information regularly and systematically in order to enable better preparation for and response to migration flows in different parts of the world.  


IOM backs communication for development as a tool to promote regular migration in Mexico and Central America.

Communication for development (C4D) is a methodology that seeks to generate participatory processes through which local actors can find solutions to promote behavioral changes that bring about social change. IOM has used C4D with great success in other regions, such as Southeast Asia, with the project IOM X. In this case, the “IOM X Roadshow” model will be utilized in Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and Mexico.
