With technical and financial assistance from IOM, CICESCT carries out actions aimed at reducing irregular migratory flows

Honduras. The Inter-institutional Commission against Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking in Persons (CICESCT), decentralized from the Ministry of Human Rights (SEDH), in synergy with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), promotes actions aimed at providing comprehensive care for victims and combating the crime of trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants.
These actions are carried out within the framework of the activities of the Month for the Prevention of Irregular Migration, in which the institutions that make up the Migrant Children's Task Force will participate, under the coordination of First Lady Ana García de Hernández.
These are developed within the framework of the Western Hemisphere Program, which aims to promote good governance of migration in order to reduce irregular migratory flows and the vulnerabilities of migrants.
In this context, strengthening workshops were held for the members of the Local Committees of La Ceiba and Roatán, which constitute work spaces from which actions in prevention are promoted.
This work complies with the implementation of the Public Policy and Plan of Action on Human Rights, which describes as obligations of the State to protect the migrants against trafficking in persons for forced labor or economic or commercial sexual exploitation, discrimination, xenophobia, threats or acts that endanger their lives.
Rosa Corea, executive director of CICESCT, said that the purpose of these conferences is to strengthen the role of the local committees in these two areas, as they are key tourist and development areas, demonstrating a high vulnerability to these crimes.
She then noted that "in this sense, the aim is to strengthen the work of these two local committees based on their current situation, which will generate a more efficient institutional response in each locality”.
Activities during the month
The Secretary of Human Rights actively participates in the activities that are developed jointly between government institutions throughout the Prevention of Irregular Migration Month, with the aim of rescuing family unity as the fundamental basis of a society.
Among these activities, there were three major fairs planned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to encourage entrepreneurship and promote the sale of products made by migrant entrepreneurs who have managed to grow their businesses in a sustainable manner with the support of the Government.
The fairs took place on August 15 in the central park of Tegucigalpa, on August 26 in San Pedro Sula and at the end of the month in La Ceiba where the closing ceremonies were also held.
This note was originally published by the Secretary of State for Human Rights of the Government of Honduras, and is available in Spanish at https://www.sedh.gob.hn/noticias3/432-con-asistencia-tecnica-y-financiera-de-la-oim-cicesct-realiza-acciones-encaminadas-a-reducir-los-flujos-migratorios-irregulares