More than 180 young people start Virtual Camp on Migration, in preparation for "Think It Twice" campaign

With more than 180 young people in attendance, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) started this Wednesday, September 9, the Virtual Camp "Think It Twice". The camp consists of 4 days in which topics related to migrant youth, prevention of human trafficking and fraudulent hiring will be developed.
This training space is aimed at young people from the communities where the Communication for Development (C4D) campaign of the same name is being conducted, in El Salvador (San Salvador and Ahuachapán), Guatemala (Salcajá and San Marcos) and Honduras (Cofradía and El Progreso). Their ages range from 15 to 25 years.
"The results of a survey conducted in May 2020 in these communities show that the uncertainty related to the crisis has increased the risk of young people falling into false offers related to fraud, exploitation, human trafficking or migrant smuggling. This camp aims to strengthen their knowledge and tools to recognize reliable information sources, and for them to become spokespersons for the campaign that is about to be launched," says Tatiana Chacón, IOM's Regional Coordinator of Communication for Development.
In response to this context, the "Think It Twice" campaign is built jointly by IOM and more than 160 local partners. The objective is to improve the target audience's ability to recognize false news and offers. The campaign will be launched with an animated video series and a musical video in October 2020, and young people participating in the camp will be able to share it in their local networks.
You can find the campaign summary here. This project is part of the global IOMX model and is being implemented within the framework of the Western Hemisphere Program, with the support of the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration. For more information, please contact Tatiana Chacón at