IOM Strengthens the Information Hubs on Migration Model in Honduras and Mexico

In August, Honduras and Mexico carried out activities to strengthen the model of Information Hubs on Migration. In Honduras, the Workshop on Analysis and Validation of the Information Hubs Model in the Municipal Management Model for Social Development was held, and Mexico held the 2021 National Meeting of Information Hubs on Migration.
Implemented in collaboration with the Association of Municipalities of Honduras (AMHON), the main objective of the Workshop on Analysis and Validation of the Information Hubs Model in the Municipal Management Model for Social Development was for the authorities of the municipalities in the different areas of the country to know what an Information Hub on Migration is and how it works, for future implementation in their communities. The workshop was attended by representatives of local governments who work at the technical level as "social managers", coming from 18 municipalities selected by AMHON.
Currently, two municipalities in Honduras have Information Hubs on Migration: El Progreso and San Pedro Sula. For this reason, the event also highlighted the importance of addressing migration from the local government and generate evidence to strengthen the incorporation of the Model of Information Hubs on Migration into the Municipal Management Model for Development (MGMDSI).
In Mexico, the 2021 National Meeting of Information Hubs on Migration was held with the aim of strengthening the capacities of Hubs staff, through sessions on labour migration, practical cases on migration formalities and administrative procedures, psychosocial care and psychological first aid, and combating human trafficking in Mexico.
As part of the exchange of good practices, the participants learned about the experiences of Hubs staff in El Salvador. Every year, IOM Mexico holds this meeting to strengthen staff knowledge on migration issues and to strengthen networks and institutional ties with other entities that also provide advice and information on migration procedures. Representatives of 18 information points participated in the meeting.
These activities are implemented through IOM’s Western Hemisphere Program, funded by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration.