IOM Installs Three New Psychosocial Care Groups for Migrants in Mexico

During the month of June, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) installed three CAPMIS (Collective Psychosocial Care Groups for Migrants) in the cities of Tapachula, Ciudad Juárez and Tijuana, where government institutions, civil society and international organizations participated. In total, 44 institutions and almost 70 participants were involved.
This IOM initiative emerged within the framework of the Health and Migration Strategy, which seeks to strengthen the capacities of health personnel for the prevention, care, and monitoring of health problems of migrants; and to support the strengthening of integrated networks of health services at the local level.
The strategy includes the psychosocial care component, which includes the strengthening of the capacities of personnel who directly serve people in the context of mobility, the development of tools and the opening of spaces for dialogue. CAPMIS are composed of relevant actors, such as civil society organizations and international agencies, with the aim of having a space for the exchange of information, good practices, and capacity building.
The aim of these groups is to build capacity-building programs and comprehensive care routes for the psychosocial care of migrants. Therefore, as part of the installation events it was specifically sought to formally start the activities of the CAPMIS, present the objectives and work strategy, know the actors who are members of the collectives and implement the tool for the diagnosis of training needs.
The installation of the CAPMIS was conducted through IOM’s Western Hemisphere Program, funded by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration.