Communication campaigns on migration 2021-2022
The Communication for Development Methodology (C4D) promotes sustainable behavioural changes among target audiences, through participative, evidence-based processes. IOM implements C4D in Mesoamerica since 2019. In this document, you will find a summary of the campaigns currently in progress in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica and Panama.

Communication for Development and Migration Campaigns 2020: Mexico, Northern Central America, and Costa Rica -
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) develops Communication for Development (C4D) processes with the aim of promoting changes in knowledge, attitudes, and practices around alternatives to irregular migration, through evidence-based and participatory methods.

Summary of Communication for Development campaigns in Central America and Mexico. September 2020
The International Organization for Migration has previously promoted communication for development (C4D) campaigns in Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Mexico, motivating informed decision-making on alternatives to irregular migration such as local development opportunities, regular migration options and migration regularization with a view to accessing employment options. Learn about the campaigns proposed in 2020, in response to the context of COVID-19. This year, Costa Rica also joins the project.

Results of the information collection process at La Carpio, Costa Rica
The methodology of Communciation for Development (C4D) is currently being implemented in the community of La Carpio, Costa Rica. As a first step, we conducted a baseline, to understand the knowledge, attitudes and practices of young people concerning migration and regularization. Find the results here.

Results of poll conducted with young people in the north of Central America, in the context of the sanitary emergency caused by COVID-19
In this document you will find the results of a poll that was conducted to know the perceptions of young people in the communities where C4D campaigns have been implemented in the north of Central América. The focus was international migration and the feasibility of achieving thier goals in the context of COVID-19, and in the medium-term future.