Belize strengthens data collection on trafficking in persons
The Ministry of Human Development, Families and Indigenous People’s Affairs (MHDFIPA) of Belize launched the new TIP Module on the Ministry’s case management system FAMCare in partnership with The International Organization for Migration (IOM). Between 2019 and 2020, the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Council (ATIPs) in Belize identified 6 victims, and provided medical, psychosocial and legal care for 19 more identified in previous years.
Costa Rica, Panama, and the Dominican Republic Strengthened their Tools to Combat Migrant Smuggling
The activity sought to strengthen intergovernmental response capacity, continue the training of the police forces of Panama and Costa Rica in the prevention of migrant smuggling and learn first-hand the best practices implemented by the Dominican Republic in the investigation and prosecution of human trafficking and migrant smuggling crimes, as a reference country due to the progress it has made in this topic.
Panama is committed to the fight against Trafficking in Persons
Panama joins the global efforts to eradicate Trafficking in Persons through the development of strategies and mechanisms to prevent, suppress and punish this crime, in addition to seeking due attention to the victims.
IOM Panama launches training sessions on human trafficking and migrant smuggling
With the aim of raising awareness, sensitizing and strengthening the capacities of the personnel of ports, airports and other points of entry, as well as the government officials that are part of the National Commission against Human Trafficking from the participating regions, a cycle of training sessions was developed and organized by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in various provinces of the Republic of Panama.
Panama and Costa Rica strengthen actions to combat migrant smuggling and cybercrime
With the aim of sharing good investigative practices among law enforcement, security, migration and judicial institutions that can strengthen the fight against crime, promote international cooperation and teach us more of the challenges faced by border police forces, Panama and Costa Rica, along with other allied states, participated in the III Binational Meeting on the Investigation of Illicit Trafficking of Migrants Linked to Cybercrime that took place on the 18th and 19th of May, 2021, in a blended session with virtual and on location participants.
IOM and the Public Ministry of Costa Rica strengthen local efforts to combat human trafficking and smuggling of migrants
This April, Costa Rica held the First Annual Meeting of Local Working Groups for the Integral Fight against Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants. The activity included a presentation of the results of the work that the groups have conducted since they were formed last year, and the needs identified at the local level to combat these crimes.