Awareness to public workers that collaborate with migrants
This radio is to awareness to public workers that collaborate with migrants.
This radio is to awareness to public workers that collaborate with migrants.
This radio ad is against prejudices on migrants.
This radio ad is meant to raise awareness about discrimination against migrants, regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, etc.
This comic explains the concept of discrimination.
A book to paint, with basic concepts about child rights.
This comic is about the rights of child and adolescent migrants, and provides assistance numbers. Intended for people 15 to 17 years old. Credits: IOM El Salvador.
This comic is about the rights of child and adolescent migrants, and provides assistance numbers. Intended for people 9 to 14 years old. Credits: IOM El Salvador.
Book with short illustrated stories about Eloísa and her journey to integrate into a new country. Credits: UNHCR.
In this comic you can find 3 stories about Central Americans who migrated irregularly and try to request refugee status. Credits: UNHCR.
IOM presents an information campaign that includes this GIF with data about human trafficking and forced labor. Posted on International Day Against Human Trafficking in 2017.