Public and private sectors exchanged perspectives on labor migration and economic recovery

On September 2, the cycle of videoconferences "Labor migration in the face of the challenge of economic recovery: contributions from the public sector and businesses" concluded, bringing together the public and private sectors of the countries of the Regional Conference on Migration (RCM) to discuss future prospects. The activity was organized by the RCM and the International Organization of Employers (IOE) with the support of the United Nations (IOM, UNDP and ILO).
More than 130 people connected to the three sessions. Among them were representatives from business organizations and from the ministries of labor and migration institutes of the RCM member countries. In the consultation prior to this event, 81% of the participants in the conference cycle stated that the governance framework for labor migration should be reviewed and adjusted to meet the current needs of the labor markets.
"Maximizing the contributions of migration to meet the needs of labor markets and achieve decent working conditions for migrant workers continues to be a major challenge in the region," said Marcelo Pisani, IOM Regional Director for Central America, North America and the Caribbean.
In a scenario of global economic contraction, safe and orderly labor migration can play a key role, especially in meeting labor needs in essential sectors such as agriculture and health care services. Because of this, the conferences were a valuable space to discuss these characteristics and establish mechanisms to facilitate their implementation. At the same time, good practices and lessons learned from public-private partnerships that promote labor, social and economic inclusion of the migrant population in RCM member countries were shared.
This initiative is supported by the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). It is implemented within the framework of the IOM Regional Program on Migration Mesoamerica- The Caribbean , financed by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Population, Migration and Refugees.