IOM Strengthens Migrant Reception Station Management Capacities in Panama

On July 21 and 22 2021, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) conducted a series of workshops and trainings on Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) for institutional and non-governmental actors working in migrant reception stations in the province of Darién.
During the activity, the Guide for Collective Centers was presented, also known in Panama as Migrant Reception Stations (MRS), a useful tool for humanitarian personnel working in the field dedicated to the management and coordination of these stations.
Similarly, the Practical Guide to Communication in Contexts of Migration Crises (IOM) was presented. In these contexts, communication plays a fundamental role during this process, as people’s lives can depend on the correct communication of the message at the right time.
The objective of this session was to review the fundamental elements such as roles, functions and participatory elements and protocols of functioning of MRSs. Topics related to the management of temporary housing from the humanitarian approach and contextualized to the reality of Darién were covered, including the distribution of food, non-food items, shelter, water and sanitation, access to health and education, among others.
In addition, training was provided on national and international regulations protecting the rights of displaced persons and residents of MRSs, and on the importance of including a gender perspective in care and protection mechanisms for people living in MRSs.
This activity was developed within the framework of IOM’s Western Hemisphere Program, funded by the United States Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration.