Central American Countries Trained their Cross-border and Local Networks on Border Management and Health

Officials from institutions and organizations that make up the cross-border roundtables and local networks on migration in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras participated in a series of trainings on Border Management and Health. Participants were provided with tools to contribute to better management of migration and health by promoting the protection of migrants at the local and cross-border levels.
The activity took place in three virtual sessions during the month of July 2021 and was attended by more than 60 people. The three countries were represented by governmental institutions, the Public Prosecutor’s Office, municipal governments, civil society organizations, faith-based organizations, and academia, among others.
Since their creation, the networks and roundtables have contributed to awareness-raising, capacity-building and the promotion and exchange of experiences among their stakeholders for the coordination of assistance, protection, and referral of cases in favour of migrants at local and cross-border level. Their role has been crucial in the assistance of people in vulnerable situations.
For this reason, the topics addressed included the identification and protection of vulnerable migrants in transit and the impact of the pandemic on the mental health and psychosocial well-being of migrant populations.
"Knowing about the situation that happens in the trinational territory with respect to migration is interesting because we can identify similarities, difference and needs," explained Tatiana Milla, Manager of the Municipality Association of the Micro Center Region of Ahuachapán, in El Salvador. "Having a broader picture allows us as local actors to generate initiatives, orient with knowledge and generate linkages with relevant institutions on the subject," she concluded.
This activity was developed within the framework of IOM’s Western Hemisphere Program, funded by the United States Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM).