Studying abroad
Lights and shadows roads: Children and adolescents migrants stories
This book collect 16 illustrated strories, based on real stories of central american children about their dangers traveling to United States.
Child Migration: Return (3)
These stories were shared by children and adolescents while they were detained in México.
One minute about: Migrant Women
Women are migrating more than before using their own resources. In one minute, IOM explains the challenges and opportunities for migrant women.
A new home for Totoy
A comic for children that explains the feelings children may experience related to migration and integration. Credits: ACNUR
What could happen if I travel to the United States without a visa? What should I do?
Campaign with animated videos designed to give children and their families simple and accurate information about the steps of the migration process in the United States. Credits: Cancillería de Guatemala in cooperation with UNICEF and the Comisión Pastoral de Movilidad Humana
What could happen if I travel to the United States without a visa? What should I do?
Campaign with animated videos designed to give children and their families simple and accurate information about the steps of the migration process in the United States. Credits: Cancillería de Guatemala in cooperation with UNICEF and the Comisión Pastoral de Movilidad Humana
What could happen if I travel to the United States without a visa? What should I do?
Campaign with animated videos designed to give children and their families simple and accurate information about the steps of the migration process in the United States. Credits: Cancillería de Guatemala in cooperation with UNICEF and the Comisión Pastoral de Movilidad Humana
What could happen if I travel to the United States without a visa? What should I do?
Campaign with animated videos designed to give children and their families simple and accurate information about the steps of the migration process in the United States. Credits: Cancillería de Guatemala in cooperation with UNICEF and the Comisión Pastoral de Movilidad Humana
What could happen if I travel to the United States without a visa? What should I do?
Campaign with animated videos designed to give children and their families simple and accurate information about the steps of the migration process in the United States. Credits: Cancillería de Guatemala in cooperation with UNICEF and the Comisión Pastoral de Movilidad Humana
The Darién Gap
Documentary that what it is like to travel through the Darién, a high-risk zone which many migrants cross every day. Credits: BBC.