In our Library, you can find publications containing our research, workguides and other materials generated by the Western Hemisphere Program and IOM. You will also find information materials about our tools and campaigns and reports on our work.




Communication campaign on the risks of irregular migration through the Darien forest

The "Speak the Truth" (Pale Verite) campaign follows the "Migrants as Messengers" model and has adapted the C4D methodology to crisis and emergency contexts. It targets potential migrants in Haiti and Haitian migrants in South American transit countries. Its objective is to inform about the risks of irregular migration through the Darien jungle using the testimonies of those who have already lived the experience.

Research brief: Mapping the current needs of the citrus industry regarding labour migration in Belize

Belize’s export agricultural sector, Sugar, Citrus and Bananas have always been a dominant source of foreign exchange earnings and employment. With collapse of Tourism due to COVID-19, the export agriculture sector has once again become the most important source of foreign exchange and employment in the country. IOM Belize has produced a study detailing the needs of the industry. Read the summary below.

Communication campaigns on migration 2021-2022

The Communication for Development Methodology (C4D) promotes sustainable behavioural changes among target audiences, through participative, evidence-based processes. IOM implements C4D in Mesoamerica since 2019. In this document, you will find a summary of the campaigns currently in progress in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica and Panama.

Pale Verite: campaign infosheet

The Pale Verite campaign seeks to make Haitian migrants better informed in order to discourage the use of irregular and dangerous routes, through stories of people who have already transited through the Darien jungle. Learn more about its development and current status.

Implementing activities related to MICIC

An overview of MICIC related activities that can be conducted in countries of destination and origin.

Reducing the vulnerability of migrants in emergencies

Reducing the vulnerability of migrants in emergencies

Informative booklet about IOM's capacity building work to implement the MICIC guidelines.

Training Program: Protection & assistance to vulnerable migrants: profiles and reference mechanisms

Activity conducted on June 18, 2021, in the framework of the Regional Conference on Migration. "The Training Program: Protection & assistance to vulnerable migrants: profiles and reference mechanisms" was presented during this session.

Agricultural workers water a lettuce crop

Research study: recruitment practices for migrant workers in Central America and Mexico

Click to read the details of the study, being conducted between February and July 2021.



Migrant workers in Colombia. Photo by Rocío Sanz for IOM.

Infosheet: global policy network to promote ethical recruitment

IOM's new Global Policy Network to promote ethical recruitment is focused on addressing shortcomings in regulation and enforcement that can exacerbate vulnerabilities and lead to gaps in the protection of migrant workers. Download the infosheet that describes the pillars on which the network's activities will be conducted.

What is communication for development?

What is communication for development? [Infosheet]

Discover the basic principles of Communication for Development (C4D) and the steps we follow to implement this methodology in communities.